CLARK FORK, ID - Looking to enhance diversity and culture, the town of Clark Fork is seeking to start a new tradition. Piggybacking on the Mexican Quinceaneras, the town is pushing its new KinCanPickMeNows celebrations.
Quinceaneras are a Mexican coming of age party for their young women, celebrated in conjunction with a young miss’ 15th birthday. These gatherings allow families to introduce their daughters to the communities as eligible young women, hopefully while still unpreggers, and give an excuse for family and friends to eat and drink like pigs.
The proposed KinCanPickMeNows are to take place on a young woman’s 14th birthday, the day that she can be legally married off in idaho. And unlike a quinceanera, being preggers in Clark Fork will be seen as cause for a double celebration. As Clark Fork is a small and shall we say, ‘tight knit’ community, KinCanPickMeNows seemed like a good name for the new celebration. So far, seven KinCanPickMeNows have been planned for the rest of the year, with the appropriate feasts of poached animals and roadkill plus White family moonshine reserved for the townspeople.