Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Encoder Denies Addition of New Sub-Basement


WESTMOND, ID - Local company Encoder Products is vehemently denying the rumored new addition of a fourth sub-basement to their Sagle plant. Local sources have been speculating on the new addition construction, as what other reason could there have been for the construction site port-a-johns being placed in the parking lot for no reason in particular during the Corona lockdown.

Local conspiracy theorist Larry “Mad Dog” Fury made the connection with the port-a-johns, and vlogged about how it was obviously for the secret construction of the fourth sub-basement. Mr. Mad Dog has long postulated on the secret sub-basements of Encoder, claiming that he had proof of a secret weapons lab being run out of the original super secret sub-basement, back in 1971. His undeniable evidence was his noting of the number of ‘small’ trains that run past his house towards Encoder in the wee hours of the night, when no one else is inclined to pay attention.

Mr. Mad Dog then developed the theory that a second super secret sub-basement was constructed in 1980 to house a coca plant growing operation, with an attached cocaine lab and distribution center. Finally, Mr. Mad Dog decided in 2004 that a third super secret sub-basement had been constructed and leased back to the government, to house a super secret black site rendition facility, for all the terrorists that are caught sneaking in through the porous Canadian border.

Mr. Mad Dog says that he isn’t positive what the new super secret fourth sub-basement will be used for, but he is 90% sure that it will be something involving a weapons grade Bio Lab. Encoder’s press officer had no official comment other than to vigorously deny the allegation, but she did express concern about the tightness of Mr. Mad Dog’s tin foil hat.

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Merry Xmas from the Moose Droppings

  May you be blessed with family and friends, the people who love you and those that you love. All the rest is bullshit.