![Serious man with water gun standing isolated | Free Photo](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQWidNDGxOV-HHhAOje2EtP-g-6iCO8xP5SjA&usqp=CAU)
As the Festival gears down for the 2020 season, the Moose Droppings is distraught over the cancelling of the show. The Gun Protest Show that is. Since we assume that no one will be showing up to protest now, we would like to encourage both sides to reconsider, and display their true passion for the issue, by holding protests at Memorial Field regardless. Also, the Moose Droppings would like to offer some suggestions to both sides, in the name of professionalism.
For the pro-gunners, consider showing up without your gats in full display, open carry style. Try wearing your Sunday best too. Do you really believe that your cause needs more of a Bubba image than the media already portrays? Attention whoring can be fun and all, but maybe a professional look would be more appropriate. As my Dad used to say, if you don’t want to be treated like a dumbass, then don’t dress like one.
As a novel concept, try protesting the artists that demand gun free performance zones instead of the Festival itself. How about a nice sign depicting the economic loss an artist would have suffered from your lost attendance.
For the anti-gunners, consider making your case by detailing all the violence that your friends and neighbors have caused at the Festival over the last 37 years. Waiting, waiting, waiting…., sound of crickets chirping. How about this challenge then, employ some sort of tactic other than “If it saves just one life…” or anything else out of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Mass hysteria makes you look, hysterical and all.
If you choose to carry open or concealed we really don’t care, but The Moose Droppings would like to offer the following pro tip. Sitting in a mini lawn chair, such as at the Festival were it happening, with your pistol digging into your side for a few hours really sucks. Try it out during a protest and see if you can make it work. If you can do it without squirming around like you have an itchy social disease, then go for it. If you can’t, then don’t be a dick and leave your roscoe at home.
For those of you that are apt to scream hysterically at the sight of a gun and call for a full SWAT takedown, please stay home in your Safe Space. Somehow you manage to get through normal life in Bonner County without pulling this stunt ten times a day, and just like the camo clad Bubbas you seem to hate and fear so much, the rest of us consider you to be an attention whore as well.
A better thought might be for both sides to come together and protest the County Commissioners for starting a pissing match whose sole benefit was a devastating economic loss to the county, right when we needed it the most. Maybe protest the city for the timely switch to artificial turf, which placed even more strain and uncertainty on the Festival. We know the Festival said something about the Corona, but that was the Festival probably just being polite.
On second thought, maybe we can all just enjoy the festival next year without any dramatics. Maybe mingle with our neighbors, armed or not. Maybe say ‘Hi’ to a friend, or make a new acquaintance or two. Maybe, and here is a novel thought, for a few hours we can all just be music lovers, who are looking to have some dinner, dessert, watch a cool show, and support our community. Leave your biases at home, and try having some fun and enjoying the moment.