SANDPOINT, ID - With the cancelling of the Festival at Sandpoint this year, numerous groups were left without a populated venue to protest at. However, said groups have refocused their efforts for the opening of Friday Night Lights at Memorial Field. That’s right, high school football this week will see four groups protesting for their causes.
SAAW or Second Amendment Attention Whores will be out in force, dressed in camouflage and openly carrying scary looking rifles to assert their right to be armed at public facilities. SAAW wants everyone to know that the Festival isn’t the only contracted user of Memorial Field, and SAAW intends to make their presence felt every time the high school uses the facility. The group FEAR, or ‘Fraid Everyone’s Armed ‘Roundme, will also be out in force. FEAR wants it known that no one with a gun can be trusted, and that includes family, friends, neighbors, police, military. Anybody.
The group YCBS, or You Can’t Be Serious, will be protesting the city’s installation of astroturf at Memorial Field, including its installation cost plus all of the unintended consequence costs that the astroturf has created. In contrast, the group TAXME (Take All eXtra MonEy) will be carrying signs demanding that the city astroturf City Beach and raise taxes to accomplish that goal.
This year’s football season is shaping up to be extra fun. With a little luck, by the end of the season maybe some negroes and hispanics can be bussed in from Spokane and Memorial Field can hold a protest race riot. The sky's the limit with our fringe citizen’s imagination plus outside influence and money.
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