SANDPOINT, ID - With construction completed on turfing Memorial Field after the city accepted the sole design / single bid option presented to it at last year’s Astro Turf Corp junket in Rio de Janeiro, the city is now contemplating completely redoing City Beach in astro turf. Sources within the planning committee have confirmed that the Astro Turf Corporation has been actively lobbying the committee, and that the committee is interested in pursuing the new proposal at this year’s junket in Tahiti.
Astro Turf Corp will be flying the committee members to the InterContinental Resort, where it will again present the committee with a single option for turfing City Beach. Although unconfirmed, it is rumored that this proposal will include replacing all the grass areas, plus the sand and parking asphalt with new astro turf. The astro turf for the sandy areas will of course be some sort of sand color, and the parking areas will be black with the parking stripes in reflective white.
A representative from Astro Turf Corp was overheard to say that replacing the grass with turf might help with the geese, replacing all the sand would help with itchy swimsuits and sand in the shoes, and replacing the asphalt would avoid the need to repaint new parking stripes. One committee member also stressed that being flown first class and staying all expenses paid in a $700 dollar a night resort would in no way influence the committee’s decision choice on the single option to be presented to it.
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