Saturday, October 10, 2020

Opinion: When Did the Standard Change?

 A recent youtube video proclaimed that having two parents or a male role model was an example of white privilege. The Moose Droppings would like to know, when did the standard for raising children move? The last time we checked, it took a male and a female to create a baby. Along with the right to fornicate, has always come the responsibility to raise the result of said fornication.

Thousands of years of tradition and public policy have maintained that having two parents was moral and necessary. One to kill the meat, one to make the cave. At some point in time, both parties discovered that they could share roles, and might even be able to reverse them on occasion. But regardless, child rearing, like child creation, was a two parent proposition.

Webster’s defines privilege as a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor. So when did having two parents become a granted right? Words mean things, unless you want to change the definition of the word. You know, to suit a particular need or agenda? Having two parents is not a specially granted right, it is basic biology. The village didn’t make the kid, nor are they responsible for raising it.

If a segment of society suffers from a rampant lack of taking responsibility for their actions, then the Moose Droppings would argue that the rest of the planet should not be described as having privilege. Rather, that group of children who suffer from a lack of parental responsibility should be described as being screwed over, and that the parents of those children should be properly motivated to get their collective heads out of their asses.

Note that this argument never mentioned race, religion, education or socio-economic background. There are enough dipshits of all colors on the planet that can be described as screwing over their children. The Moose Droppings would like to admonish any and all Chinks, Cholos, Coons and Crackers to do the right thing, and for everyone else to stop making excuses for them and changing the dictionary to make them feel better about being a dipshit. Let’s keep the standard where it should be, instead of lowering it to make the lowest common denominator feel like they won a participation prize. For once, it actually is ‘for the children’.

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Merry Xmas from the Moose Droppings

  May you be blessed with family and friends, the people who love you and those that you love. All the rest is bullshit.