Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Avian Cleansing Gets Goosed

Sandpoint, ID - The Canadian Goose population has seen a resurgence at City Beach, thanks to the coronavirus. Formerly, town leaders had confirmed a disposal plan to rid the City’s lands of undesirable avian wildlife. Under 'Operation Final Solution', all nuisance waterfowl were to be rounded up, bagged and tagged with leg bands with a yellow star for easy identification, loaded onto train cars, and transported to an undisclosed lake in central Idaho for permanent relocation.
Due to the shutdown, the city has been unable to contain the population explosion, as city employees have been furloughed from their landscaping jobs because of social distancing requirements. Usage of the five acre park has also been heavily discouraged, as the beaches, grass areas and walking path can only support 2,500 people at any one time under the six-foot distancing guidelines.
The geese, having no competition for usage, are returning in droves. City officials also stated that with the closing of all of the area Chinese and Thai restaurants, the birds now have no natural predators and are becoming increasingly hostile towards the few humans that continue to use City Beach.

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Merry Xmas from the Moose Droppings

  May you be blessed with family and friends, the people who love you and those that you love. All the rest is bullshit.