Do you like the Moose Droppings? Do you enjoy being kept up to date with our Fake News Solutions. Do you appreciate having all of the North Idaho news that’s worth reading delivered to the finest business locations and made available on the Innerswebs? Do you ever wonder, what can I do to make sure the Moose Droppings continues to persevere? There are a few ways that you, our fan base can make a difference.
Do you have an issue or a story that you would like the Moose Droppings to cover? Just let us know. Better yet, would you like to take a crack at reporting the local news? Send us your story. No guarantees, but if we run with it we will make sure you get full credit so your friends and family know whom to thank.
Do you own a business and would you like to carry the Moose Droppings for your customers reading pleasure? Shoot us an email, and we can hook you up. A new issue of the Moose Droppings is published twice monthly, and our crack delivery team can make drop-offs with a smile. If you would like to advertise your product, service or business in the Moose Droppings, we can make that happen as well.
Finally, as a consumer, don’t you feel a little guilty about getting a fine news source like the Moose Droppings for free? Wouldn’t you really feel better about yourself by kicking in something towards the production and delivery of the Moose Droppings? The Moose Droppings needs food, alcohol, ideas and yes, even some spare change to keep things running. If you have any of the above, contact us at and let us know how you can help.
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